Journal Entry 100822-0945

Two years ago (on Oct 11), our kiddos became black belts. But in a weird COVID way – in masks and without a graduation ceremony. It was a private thing because of all the regulations and “safety”. Hindsight and everything – anyway – moving on!

Today (Oct 8), a new group of black belts entire graduate, and a few “level up”. But last night was the final black belt test. Willem is senior instructor at PKA Portage and had a place on the panel last night. I’m so incredibly proud of both of these kids – but to sit on a panel and witness people testing for their next level of karate! It was amazing to catch the end of it.

Here are some select pictures I took last night at Lodi Elementary and some of the candid pictures with family afterward – and some friends who are now BLACK BELTS. There will be more coming tomorrow.

And if you see a picture you’d like candidates… wait, BLACK BELTS… just yell at me and I’ll get it to you cleaned up and ready for printing. ~M